Get More Sales,
Without the Hassle of Selling!
When I first learned how to use unconscious buying triggers back in 2003, I used them to Triple My ERP Software Sales In Less Than 10 Months!
If you want the financial benefits and recognition that come from being a top seller, then STOP selling products and services, and START using buying triggers to satisfy your prospect's unconscious needs.
I will give you the buying trigger profile for your ideal customer and show you how to use it absolutely FREE.
Just click the button below to schedule a FREE 1-on-1 mini workshop and see for yourself.
What You Will Receive:
✅ Detailed profile of your prospect's unique buying triggers
✅ Step-by-step process for instantly triggering the buying process
✅ Cheat-sheet to create powerful trigger based selling content
FREE Buying Trigger Workshop
These proven strategies are based on the same materials offered through the Small Business Development Centers, The Utah Business Resource Centers, Utah Valley University’s Executive Learning Program, as well as various city chambers.

What Prospects Need To Say YES!
After you have triggered the buying process, your prospect’s logical brain will start looking for the rational support it needs to justify the purchase. Learn which rational support works best for each type of prospect, so you can speed up the sales cycle by eliminating lame buying excuses and objections.

Consistently Close More Sales
When your sales focus changes from selling products or services, to satisfying unconscious needs and providing the right rational support, then you will consistently:
Connect with more prospects,
Get prospects to sell themselves,
Gain quicker acceptance and buy-in,
Get tire kickers to commit and buy,
Sell your product or service for a premium price.
Instantly Trigger The Buying Process
The unconscious mind is responsible for all buying decisions. So, if you want to quickly grow sales, then learn how to use your product or service as a tool to satisfy your prospect’s unconscious needs. If you do it right, you can tap into the unconscious drivers that trigger your prospect's buying decisions.
Trigger The Buying Process In Less Than 10 Seconds
Then sit back and watch your prospects sell themselves
Imagine -
✔ No more begging
✔ No more lame excuses or objections
✔ No more meetings that don't convert
✔ No more ads & websites that don't sell
Once you trigger the buying process, your prospect’s logical mind will start looking for a specific type of rational support to justify the purchase.
Even if prospects need what you sell, and seem interested, they won't buy without the rational support that matches their buyer type.
If you struggle to close sales, then chances are good you're not providing the specific type of rational support your prospects need to say, YES!
Whelan BPI can show you which rational support your prospects need to consistently close sales and grow revenue.
Stop "Buying Excuses" Before They Happen
Trigger The
Buying Process In Under 10 Seconds
Whether you're selling on the phone, giving a presentation, or running ads, your prospect's unconscious mind makes the decision to buy, or not buy, within seconds.
Unfortunately, the initial buying decision has nothing to do with how great your product or service is, and everything to do with your ability to satisfy your prospect's unconscious needs.
Our FREE Training tells you what your prospect's unconscious needs are, and exactly how to use them to grab your prospects attention, build instant rapport, and Trigger the buying process in under 10 seconds.​
W​in The Dogfight For More Leads & Sales
FREE Workshop - How To Instantly Trigger The Buying Process:
Get a detailed Buying Trigger Profile for your target market
Learn how to trigger the buying process in under 10 seconds
- Get cheat-sheet for writing trigger based ad content and messaging
​Learn how you can use your target market's deep-seated unconscious needs to attract and close more sales, without selling.
Click the "FREE Buying Trigger Profile" button below to learn more.